The onion model

Our principles are based on “the onion model”, which represents you and your support network, starting from your perspective. The sections of the onion model take into account personal values, such as wanting to have control over your own life, maintaining your quality of life and developing trusting relationships.

Holistic & person-centred care

The Buurtzorg Onion model helps us visualise your existing support networks and takes into account your various support network, including your family, your friends, your community, our services, and your formal support networks. Upon our first meeting, we gain an understanding of your personal values and existing networks and start working to plan your support together. By involving you and your networks in the process, we can figure out how best to assist you in achieving your goals. 


Firstly, we ascertain your personal values. These could include maintaining control of your decisions, maintaining your quality of life, and a desire to build warm, trusting relationships.

Informal Networks

Next, we gain an understanding of your informal networks. These may include family, friends, neighbours or other people in your community.

The Neighbourhood Care Team

Representing the third layer of your onion, we discuss our team of healthcare professionals and the services we can provide.

Formal Networks

Lastly, we take into account your existing formal networks (such as your GP, pharmacist or support coordinator).